Forums in the Scuba Diving Niche

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These are the 13 most relevant discussion forums in the scuba diving niche. Some of these forums focus exclusively on the scuba diving niche while others may only devote one or two sub-forums to it.

If you don't see too many relevant forums listed then please do tell us about some forums in this niche by using the submit forum page. Alternatively why not start your own forum in this niche?

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1. YD Scuba Diving Forums
A forum community dedicated to Yorkshire Scuba divers and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about scuba, equipment, medicine, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!  

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2. ScubaBoard
All about Scuba diving, by divers for divers.  

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3. Travelfish
An Asia travel forum covering independent travel to Asia  

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This is a discussion forum.  

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The Thailand Forum, with 1,000s of reviews & photos of Thai beaches, resorts, restaurants, bars, nightlife, hotels, guesthouses and Thai tourist attractions, visit TeakDoor the best Thailand Forum.  

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6. Florida Keys Forums
Everything about Florida Keys whether you plan to vacation or you live in the Keys. From Key Largo to Key West! We talk about boating, fishing, dining, places to stay, buying property, sightseeing,...  

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7. Virgin-Islands-On-Line
Forum has 302,484 posts.  

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8. Tobago
Forum has 41,743 posts.  

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9. TreasureNet
Browse thousands of messages related to treasure hunting, archaeology, history, metal detecting, relic hunting, caches, sunken treasures, shipwrecks, buried treasures, gold prospecting and more!...  

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10. Labrador Retriever Dogs Chat F
Another very popular forum in the pets niche.  

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Videos, Pictures, Tech tips, forum help, gallerys, links, faqs and a lot more on high powered cars. We have videos that will blow your mind away! Taking your Honda or Acura to the limit!  

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12. Reef Central Online Community
Reef Central is dedicated to the marine reef aquarium hobby. Learn about reef aquarium setup and maintenance, and view coral and marine fish photos. Visit our online community and discuss and chat...  

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13. Philippines Expats Forum
Philippines Expats Forum is a friendly group of members who live in the Philippines or visit often. Ask questions expats will answer. Find visa options.Travel to Cebu.  

To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.

About the Scuba Diving Niche

Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater. Scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air, allowing them greater independence and freedom of movement than surface-supplied divers, and longer underwater endurance than breath-hold divers. Although the use of compressed air is common, a mixture of air and oxygen called enriched air or nitrox has become popular due to its benefit of reduced nitrogen intake during long or repetitive dives. Open circuit scuba systems discharge the breathing gas into the environment as it is exhaled, and consist of one or more diving cylinders containing breathing gas at high pressure which is supplied to the diver through a regulator. They may include additional cylinders for range extension, decompression gas or emergency breathing gas. Source: WikiPedia

Saki Says...

This niche isn't too competitive so with some careful keyword research and some high quality content you could still do well in 2025.