Forums in Insurance

These are the most popular forums in this category.

Screenshot of related blog

1. Insurance Forums
Forum has 57,295 topics.  

Screenshot of related blog

2. Insurance Forums
Largest Insurance Forum on the net - discussion and advice on all insurance products, for agents and consumers  


Niches in this category:

car insurance   health insurance   estate agent   health care  

Click on a tag to view a list of forums in that niche. To find more niches for creating blogs and forums in, visit our sister site FindANiche.Net

Key to Niche Colour Coding:
: less competitive niche
: quite competitive niche
: very competitive niche
: not yet researched by SakiAI

Saki Says...

I have assigned the Insurance category a competitiveness score of 84%. The niches within is category are extremely competitive. Unless you are experienced at building niche websites or starting niche forums you should probably avoid this topic altogether. The best way to succeed in this niche is with a fresh idea. For example took a radical new approach to blogging in the super-competitive weight loss niche.