KVR: Forum Index
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Forum URL: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/
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Domain registration date: 01 December 2004
(updated 02 December 2020)
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01 December 2021
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music, energy, cats, technology, software, design, guitar, history, running, free, free stuff, mobile, website, christmas, mobile apps, computer, solar, photo, english, paypal, download, review, psychic, digital, black, windows, linux, arts, organic, google, cafe, audio, apps, product, work, official, sale, tutorial, tools, viral, reviews, happy, virus, summer, development, ukulele, beats, deals, editing, saving, transport, sound, special offers, tips, music theory, research, sonic, building, desk, smart, future, sugar, cutting, sing, code, hardware, ipad, music technology, voice, patreon, source code, comparison, plugin, live, install, dreams, applications, advertise, technical, bank, setup, account, production, abandoned, values, ideas, inspire, submit, build, picture, workshop, tree, factory, google drive, remote control, bear, underground, human, bass, instruments, plugins, downloads, samples, wed aug, libraries, orange, beta, muse, thu aug, loop, offers, player, plug, copy, developer, virtual, midi, crystal, castles, classics, filter, electric, harry, ultimate, shows, clips, alan, alpha, bugs, hollywood, silicon, united, remote, mysterious, guru, nice, hosts, challenge, drum, tokyo, dawn, stuff, tricks, synth, modular, slow, studio, blue, valve, compressor, image, thoughts, tutorials, records, synthesizer, sounds, problems, quick, sample, bones, usability, minimal, theory, system, configuration, benefit, abstract, manual, lite, labs, release, orville, sleepers, hunter, concert, brass, cream, switch, crossover, macos, rapture, stuck, keys, save, neon, breath, purchase, palm, semi, control, systems, journey, price, kiss, vsti, editor, sanders, report, menu, bizarre
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Forum's Topics
- The Main Forums
- KVR Experts
- Getting Started (AKA What is the best...?)
- Instruments
- Effects
- Hosts & Applications (Sequencers, DAWs, Audio Editors, etc.)
- Guitars
- Mobile Apps and Hardware
- Soundware
- Samplers, Sampling & Sample Libraries
- Hardware (Instruments and Effects)
- Modular Synthesis
- Sound Design
- Production Techniques
- Music Theory
- Computer Setup and System Configuration
- DSP and Plug-in Development
- DIY: Build it and they will come
- Music Cafe
- Sell & Buy (+Special Offers, Deals & Promos)
- Everything Else (Music related)
- Off Topic
- Off Topic Classics
- Official Company Forums
- 2getheraudio
- AbstractCatsSD
- accSone
- Acon Digital
- AcousticsampleS
- AcousModules
- Agitated State
- AIR Music Technology
- Ample Sound
- Apisonic Labs
- apulSoft
- AriesCode
- Arts Acoustic
- Arturia
- audioD3CK
- Audjoo
- AudioSpillage
- Audiority
- Back In Time Records
- Best Service
- Big Tick
- Bitwig
- Controller Scripting
- Blue Cat Audio
- CFA-Sound
- Cherry Audio
- CK Modules & VST
- Cmusic Production
- discoDSP
- Drumdrops
- e-instruments
- Embertone
- Embody
- energyXT
- Eventide
- Expert Sleepers
- forward audio
- Futucraft
- Future Audio Workshop
- FXpansion
- g200kg
- H.E. Audio
- Harrison Mixbus
- HG Fortune
- Hollow Sun
- Homegrown Sounds
- Ilya Efimov Production
- Image Line
- Impact Soundworks
- Indiginus
- Insert Piz Here
- Inspire Audio
- Ju-X
- Kirk Hunter Studios
- Kirnu
- Kong Audio
- Krakli
- Krotos
- Kuassa
- KV331 Audio
- Le Sound By AudioGaming
- LennarDigital
- Les Productions Zvon
- Liqube
- Livelab.dk
- Loomer
- LVC-Audio
- Maizesoft
- Manytone Music
- MeldaProduction
- Mellowmuse
- MIDIMood
- Mozaic Beats
- mucoder
- Muon Software
- MusicDevelopments
- Tips & Tricks
- MusicLab
- New Sonic Arts
- NUSofting
- Oli Larkin Plugins
- Orange Tree Samples
- OverTone DSP
- patchpool
- patchwerkz
- Photosounder
- PlugInGuru
- Polyverse Music
- Precisionsound
- Premier Sound Factory
- Psychic Modulation
- RaXnTraX
- Realitone
- Resonance-Sound
- Reveal Sound
- Roger Linn Design
- rs-met
- S3A: Spatial Audio
- SaschArt
- Sennheiser AMBEO
- Signaldust
- Skytopia
- Smart Electronix
- solar3d-software
- sonible
- SonicBirth
- Sonic Reality / eSoundz.com
- Sonigen
- Soundemote
- Soundiron
- SPC Plugins
- Squaredheads
- Sugar Bytes
- TAL Software
- Tokyo Dawn Labs
- Tracktion
- Twisted Tools
- u-he
- u-he Linux support
- United Plugins
- VAZ Synths
- Virharmonic
- Westgatesounds.net
- Wolfgang Palm
- ZynAddSubFX
- Site Stuff
- Archived Forums
- xoxos
- AlgoMusic
- Soniccouture
- Kazrog
- Valhalla DSP
- LinPlug
- Muse Research and Development
- Sarah's Tips
- Good Loops
- Humanoid Sound Systems
- In Session Audio
- JoBroMedia
- Kiss-Box
- linuxDSP
- Little Endian
- Lucidsamples
- Maestro Music Software
- Nucleus SoundLab
- realsamples
- Saltline
- Sample Squad
- AraldFX
- Audio Poison
- Aviram Dayan Production
- Bornemark
- Citron Instruments
- Dangerous Bear Underground
- Don't Panic Studios
- easytoolz
- ELBySoniQ
- Elevayta
- ePipes
- Human Touch Technology
- lmdsp
- Samplephonics
- Shuriken
- SoHa Sound Design
- SoulViaSound UG
- Spectralhead Audio
- Supersynths
- Studio Toolz
- Straightarrow
- StrayWorx
- stw-audio
- Subatomic Labs
- Syntone
- Teragon Audio
- Synchro Arts
- Topten Software
- Tweakbench
- Ugo
- VSTForx
- My KVR Beta
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Saki Says...
This forum is one of the oldest forums on the internet. It's a very reliable forum and we have not recorded any downtime issues. This forum uses SSL so you can be more certain that your messages won't be intercepted en route to the forum's server.

Change Logs
Recent updates to the FindAForum listing for KVR: Forum Index:
Activity | Date and Time | Status |
Updated phpBB forum's statistical data. | 07 December 2024 21:44 | |
Recalculated forum's ranking. | 07 December 2024 21:44 | |
Wrote forum's executive summary. | 19 August 2024 04:34 | |
Performed general site check on forum. | 12 June 2024 09:15 | |
Updated phpBB forum's statistical data. | 14 June 2022 09:14 | |
Recalculated forum's ranking. | 14 June 2022 09:14 | |
Updated forum's related niches. | 09 December 2021 14:42 | |
Updated phpBB forum's statistical data. | 30 October 2021 17:16 | |
Recalculated forum's ranking. | 30 October 2021 17:16 | |
Updated forum's related blogs. | 24 September 2021 18:15 | |
Updated forum's related niches. | 19 September 2021 22:18 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 04 August 2021 23:40 | |
Updated forum's site image. | 04 August 2021 23:40 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 04 August 2021 23:40 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 04 August 2021 23:40 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 04 August 2021 17:17 | |
Updated forum's site image. | 04 August 2021 17:17 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 04 August 2021 17:17 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 04 August 2021 17:17 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 04 August 2021 13:17 |
https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/ added to FindAForum 13 October 2013 (Forum #363). Entry last modified 07 December 2024.